Friday 15 May 2015

Last Post

This will be my last post on Blogger and would like to say thank you for following me through the different stages of my Year 12 Media Coursework and I hope you have enjoyed this journey as much as I have. 


Evaluation Questions

The questions which I had to answer for my evaluation can be seen listed below. I have created all the questions and my answers on PowerPoint and have put them in my fold in the Media Area. I have also included the first question with both PowerPoint and Prezi, my Prezi presentation can be seen a previous post. 
Evaluation questions:
  1. What ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
  3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
  4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
  5. How did you attract/address your audience?
  6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
  7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Blogger Review

Blogger has been the program my group and I have used to display our coursework over the past year. When I first started using Blogger it took a while to come to terms with its features as the site would often freeze and respond very slowly. I thought that Blogger was going to be a challenge however I quickly managed to learn the features and adjust to them. After I switched PC for editing my blog I had no more interferences, I think the fact that I was using an old PC at school was the issue. I have enjoyed using Blogger as it is a form of social media so I could relate to it as I had previously used other programs like Twitter and Instagram. The only problem with Blogger is that it needs to improve the way in which a user must move and rotate an image because it currently just jumps from one side of the page to the other. They could possibly implement a feature like Microsoft has by giving the user the option to choose 'Behind Text' or 'Tight' as some examples to fit in better with the creating and editing of each post. I would use Blogger for personal/ business use in the future as I believe it is easy to use and orientate yourself around the site; as well as it being a professional and suitable platform to advertise yourself and promote your ideas. 

Thursday 7 May 2015

Prezi (Question 1)

Here is my Prezi presentation for Question 1 (In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?) The link to my Prezi presentation is below:

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Interview of Media Project

Here is a video clip of me evaluating our group's final project by being interviewed on some relevant questions relating to the film. I apologise for my lack of interviewing skills as I was a little nervous and was not used to this situation, however, I believe I answered the questions to the best of my ability.


Tuesday 5 May 2015

Gender Stereotypes in TV Dramas (Males)


Don Draper (portrayed by Jon Hamm) is a character from the drama series 'Mad Men'. He is a stereotypical character due to his surroundings being very male-orientated (considering that the show takes place during the nineteen-sixties) and he has become a product of his society. He has gone through two marriages (one to Betty and the other to Megan) during which he often committed adultery, an act that would be considered highly improper for any of the female characters in the series to commit. He is only driven by his work even though he has a wife and kids at home and can never seem to make time for them. He is seen as an alcoholic and chain smoker compared to contemporary society, however all his male co-workers do the same, as they too are products of their society and upbringings.

Don is often depicted in a suit for both social and work-related events. He is precise and pretentious, even though he ensures a draconian principle - meaning he expects his peers to be polite and truthful - Don thinks of himself as higher than others and does not feel the need to follow his own rule. He has looked down on his female subordinates such as Peggy Olsen and his various secretaries (all of which were women) at the advertising agency Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, of which he is a founding partner in. The only woman in the office whom he remotely admires seems to be office manager Joan Holloway.

Don always appears very manly and wants to maintain his image as the dominant male even if it meant terminating Salvatore "Sal" Romano's position at the company. Sal was a closeted homosexual and only Don had knowledge of this fact and told him he would keep it a secret; however, when an important client wanted Sal released from employment for not complying with his sexual demands, Don stands by the decision to fire Sal, wanting to appear homophobic like his co-workers so they would not think differently of him. He is tall and serious, and often filmed with a low angle to make him seem stronger, more dominating and commanding. He often shouts when he feels his command is being challenged by his wife or any of his co-workers. Don is also one of the few employees at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce with his own office.

 The character of Walter White (Bryan Cranson) first appears in 'Breaking Bad' as an "everyman" archetype, however this alters drastically throughout the course of the show as the viewers witness Walter's transformation from a passive chemistry teacher into the ruthless drug kingpin known as "Heisenberg".

From his introduction in the show's pilot episode, Walter comes across as a very submissive and introverted character, who slightly resembles the goody two-shoes neighbour Ned Flanders from the animated satirical series 'The Simpsons'. It is not until after he receives the devastating news that he has lung cancer (still in the pilot episode) that Walter decides to "break bad" as it were by adopting a "tough guy" attitude and coming to the conclusion that the only way to resolve his financial worries and support his family is to team up with Jesse Pinkman, a drug dealer and former student of his. Walter blackmails Jesse into helping him cook and distribute methamphetamine - due to Jesse's penchant for drug dealing - or else turning him over to the DEA; Jesse reluctantly agrees.

Regarding his appearance, Walter is often seen in loafers, beige trousers and a dark jacket. When in scenes the camera angle is shot from a low angle to represent dominance much like Don Draper of 'Mad Men'. At the start of the series, Walter is always being talked over and ignored, as he was seen as a push-over. But now that he has had a firm taste of the tough life, Walter finds that he likes it and decides to take on this harsh and powerful character.

Thursday 30 April 2015

"The Devil's Playground"

After all our hard work and determination we are glad that we managed to complete our film with plenty of time without rushing. This was to ensure that we could produce it to the best of our abilities. In order to get to this stage, we all worked well together with little to no confrontations, carrying out our roles effectively to produce this piece. Personally, I would say that I had the easiest job on this project as it came very naturally to me; this isn't to say, however, that I don't appreciate the effort of the performances given by Ben (our leading actor), Kirsty (our leading actress), Liam (our Director and Camera-Man) and Paddy (our Editor). I believe that the acting was to a very professional standard as well as the camera work; however I must say that the film would not be what it is without Paddy's amazing editing skills which are the finishing touches on, what I have found to be, a fantastic project.

Please watch and enjoy.